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There are many ways in which you can support our campaigning work:


Our Supporters Club:

If you would like to become a Supporter of Edinburgh WFI, you can do so for as little as £3 per month.  Anything you donate will be added to our 'hope chest' and used to further the campaign for an Independent Scotland.  


Please contact us at: and we will email you a Standing Order Mandate to forward to your bank.  


We will also send you an introductory goody bag & you will be entitled to first dibs on tickets for all our events!


Glass Buildings

Easy Fundraising:

Do shop online?


How would you like to raise money for Edinburgh WFI whilst you do?  It’s SO simple, and won’t cost you a penny! 


It’s as easy as 1,2,3. 


1.  sign up for Easyfundraising at  


2. choose Edinburgh Women for Independence as your ‘cause’ (you’ll have to do this once only!) 


3. find your favourite retailer via the website and that’s you. 


Every time you shop online you’ll be raising funds for our campaign funds.  Guilt free shopping... now that could definitely catch on! 

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